Drag the Binary

Group work task with Tamsin Nowell

Drag the Binary’ is a multi-media project created to delve into how gender is explored and presented beyond the binary. By connecting with a range of non-binary people, we aim to celebrate the diversity of experience, teach people more about a group of overlooked members of society, and share some representation for future generations!


The project features:

  • Podcast – In conversation with a non-binary person, this episode explores how non-binary family members can be supported in their families.
  • Documentary –  Following a local drag show in Brighton, we talk to people across the LGBTQ+ community about gender, expression, and community. 
  • Photo series – To show that those who identify as non-binary do not adhere to a certain look, which is often perceived to be androgynous.

For this project, Tamsin and I shared all the tasks which involved filming and editing, photography, and web design.